How do I sign up?
Follow the steps below to sign up for a postgraduate course.
You can do this with the following link:
I don’t have an alumni account
When you sign up for the first time, you need to create an alumni account. If you already have another account in Campus, you will need to use a different email-address for this new account. Choose Postgraduate, enter your email address and click on ‘next’.
I already have an alumni account?
When you already have an alumni account you can easily log in. Go to step 4.
Then fill in the fields and choose a password for your Campus 11 account. The password must be at least 8 letters long, of which at least 1 capital letter.
Then fill in the fields and choose a password for your Campus 11 account. The password must be at least 8 letters long, of which at least 1 capital letter
After you have logged in, you make a choice for the training location.
You choose the academic year you want to attend the course (i.e. 2025 – 2026).
Choose the education that suits your choice of course. Is this Postgraduate osteopathy or is this Postgraduate mesology?
In the course block you can choose the postgraduate course.
Then fill in the details and when you have filled in everything, press ‘continue‘.
The registration is now complete and you can press ‘confirm registration’.