Intensification & Integration

Osteopathy in the
Visceral Field

Course description

An extensive course (3 x 3 days) as an in-depth study of osteopathy in the visceral range. Starting from the (already known) basic knowledge, we quickly look at anatomy, physiology and pathology, but mainly focus on the osteopathic perspective. Osteopathy in the visceral field is relatively young and not so well known, but popular. With over 35 years of experience in teaching, dissection, and practice, details, science, and personal practical application are taught in theory and practice. In particular, the scientific substantiation and application of tests and techniques in daily practice are examined.

A course with an emphasis on traditional craftsmanship, precise palpation at a high level and daily practice, to actually help the patient in the many disorders that we encounter in osteopathic practice.


  1. Concept of osteopathy in the visceral field, Oesophagus, Gaster, Duodenum, Intestinum.
  2. History of the visceral field, Colon, Hepar, V. Biliaris, Ren
  3. V. Urinaria, Rectum, Pancreas, Lien, Integration of the above.

Possible extension to Cor, Pulmones, Endocrinology, Apertureta, BBRS.

Course Data (3×3 days)

  • 04 – 06 December 2025
  • 15 – 17 January 2026
  • 09 – 11 March 2026

Costs of the course

Euro 2.910,- total course of 3 x 3 days. (incl. the accessory books).

Course overview

  • Robert Muts DO, DM, MSC.
    Jaap Zwaan DO
    Jeroen de Block DO
    Lex Flisijn DO, Msc.

  • Incl. Tea, coffee & lunch

  • Live education

  • November 2025 – Juni 2026

  • € 2.910,- (whole course, incl. books)

Course topics

Data: 2025 – 2026


LEVEL I – 04 – 06 December 2025

– The Concept of Osteopathy in the Visceral Field
– The Oesophagus & Gaster, with all components.
– The Duodenum & the Intestinum
– All taught in anatomy, embryology, physiology,
pathology, dysfunctions, tests and therapy.

LEVEL II – 15 – 17 January 2026

– The History of Osteopathy in the visceral field
– The Colon, Hepar & Vesica Biliaris, Ren
– All taught in anatomy, embryology, physiology,
pathology, dysfunctions, tests and therapy.

LEVEL III – 09 – 11 April 2026

– The Vesica Urinaria, Rectum, Pancreas & Lien
– The impact of the different body-cavities.
– The overview and the application in the daily practice.

Course teachers

Robert Muts DO, DM, MSC

Teachers from several disciplines will coach this Course for Perpetuum in the IMC at Amsterdam.

  • Robert Muts DO, DM, MSC, teacher in osteopathy sinds 1991, mainly osteopathy in the visceral field, embryology, physiology & philosophy. More than  30 years experience in teaching and practice.
  • Jeroen de Block DO, teacher in osteopathy in physiology and the visceral field and Head of Education.
  • Jaap Zwaan DO, teacher in osteopathy in the cranial field, osteopathic philosophy & integration and Head of Clinics.
  • Lex Flisijn DO, teacher in osteopathy in the visceral field, finished hid Master-Thesis about teaching osteopathy in the visceral field.

The dífferent approach of viscera

This course is based upon the approach of viscera, but than as a, intensification, integration and practical application of diagnostics and therapy.

An extra emphasis is placed on:

  1. Application of embryology and evolution theory;
  2. The phenomenologic approach of dysfunctions;
  3. The use of A.P.E.N. (Autocrine, Paracrine, Endocrine, Neurocrine);
  4. Transparancy of the 5 osteopathic modells;
  5. Integration, inhibition and interpretation of the dysfunction;
  6. Holistic approach: a different look and a multi-causal appraoch.

The course will be supported by the the editions of the book ‘Osteopathy in the Visceral Field’, by Robert Muts.

This book, existing of parts; with extensive knowledge, background, practical descriptions, will be published in 2024 – 2025.
The books are included in the costs of the course !

Already take a look insight PART  1 with this link: Part 1 Osteopathy in the visceral field.



Sign up for this course

Teacher: Robert Muts D.O. et al.

Location: IMC, Perpetuum, Contactweg 145-153, 1014 BJ Amsterdam

Costs: € 2.910,- total course of 3 x three days (incl. the books ‘Osteopathy in the Visceral Field’ )

Attention: With Signing up (aanmelden) you get a new page (Campus = ELO) you will have to select alumnus account, then you can choose your language.


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