Course in English
Teacher Training OsEAN
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De cursus vindt plaats in Nederland in Amsterdam.
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Course description
Postgraduate Certificate in Osteopathic Education
PGCert in Education is a part-time programme aiming at educators, future and existing, in Osteopathy. The course aims at providing educational skills and tools ranging from classroom management and lecture planning to assessment strategies and curriculum design. Through various modules, participants will explore various theories of education and their application into various teaching modalities.
Part-time programme aiming at educators, future and existing, in Osteopathy.
• The course aims at providing educational skills and tools ranging from classroom management and lecture planning to assessment strategies and curriculum design.
• Participants will explore various theories of education and their application into various teaching modalities
3 Pillars in education
- Philosophy & Function
- Applied Theory
- Management of Theory (Practical Integration)
Course Dates
- 27 – 28 September 2024
- 06 – 07 December 2024
- 07 – 08 March 2025
- 09 – 10 May 2025
Condition: teacher in osteopathic education
Costs of the Course
€ 2.400,- for the whole course. (Teacher CS discount)
30 ECTS accreditation by the University (60 Britisch Credits)
Accreditatie NRO: in aanvraag.
Accreditatie NOF: in aanvraag.
Course overview
De Teacher Training leid op voor een PGCert, een deel van een Master-programma.
Informatie van het Nuffic: intermediate award bij masteropleiding:
Studenten die niet de hele masteropleiding kunnen of willen afmaken, komen na afronding van een deel van de vereiste credits in aanmerking voor een zogenaamde exit award of intermediate award:
- Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert) na afronding van 60 CATS (30 ECTS)
- Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) na afronding van 120 CATS. (60 ECTS) (link)
Nuffic (link): de Nederlandse organisatie voor internationalisering in onderwijs, in opdracht van het ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en de Europese Commissie.
De PGCert kan door het Nuffic worden omgezet in een Nederlands onderwijs certificaat.
Course topics
Teacher Training in osteopathic education
4 x 2 days (3 Modules)
Module 1: Philosophy & Function Teaching and learning in Competency-Based Osteopathic Education
(Principles of Learning and Teaching)
• Critically apprise the roles of teachers in health profession education and the contextual factors involved in teaching and
• Use learning theories as interpretative keys for ILOs development, Teaching/Learning Activities and assessment strategies
• Design Intended Learning Outcomes through taxonomic frameworks
• Align constructively their own course
Formative: 3 minute presentation of role of teacher in Healthcare – submission of poster / PowerPoint
Summative 1: Presentation of formative 1 – students to be assess on presentation skills.
Summative 2: Design of a lesson plan within given context of ILOs and assessment strategy.
Module 2: Applied Theory
Docimology: the science behind the assessment
• Critically apprise the context and properties of summative and formative assessment
• Develop a methodologically strong structured test using different type of items aimed to assess the cognitive component
of competence.
• Perform the Classical Item Analysis to assess the quantitative properties of a structured test
• Develop different assessment tools based on a behavioural paradigm to assess the psychomotor and relational
components of competence.
• Give a methodologically correct formative feedback in the context of formative assessment
Formative: Building a key features problem test i.e true/ False; MCQ
Summative 1: Building a key features problem test i.e true/ False; MCQ different modality than for formative assessment.
Summative 2: Designing a grading tool / mark sheet for a course of their choosing.
Module 3: Management of theory ( Practical Integration)
Implementation of Learning – TLA
• Design clinical cases for Case-Based Learning
• Manage a small group session
• Integrating serious games into osteopathic education
• Design a Team-Based Learning session
• Design a Problem Based Learning session
• Design Medical Humanities session to develop interpersonal skills
• Apply Entrust-able Professional Activities as a framework to guide the clinical tutoring
Formative 1: Teaching Observation by peer with feedback
Summative 2: Teaching Observation by tutor with written feedback provided
Summative 3: Reflective essay on feedback from Observation 1 and 2 with action plan.
Course lead
Catherine Clair D.O., MSc.
Giacomo Consorti D.O., Msc.
Course location
Signup for this course
Sign up for this course
Cursus-leiding: Catherine Clair D.O. MSc. & Giacommo Consorti D.O. MSc.
Locatie: IMC, Perpetuum, Contactweg 145-153, 1014 BJ Amsterdam
Voorwaarde: Teacher in osteopathic education
Costs: € 2.400,- for the total course
Attention: Graag voor-aanmelden via Campus (voorlopige aanmelding)
Definitieve aanmelding gebeurt aan de University. Details volgen spoedig.