Over OsEAN
OsEAN is het Osteopathic European Academic Network, waar meer dan 30 scholen samen een verbindend netwerk vormen. Een greep uit de programma’s:
- Students Exchange: een paar dagen lessen bijwonen op een school van je keuze.
- VISD: Virtual International Students Day (online congres)
- Open Forum: Teachers van heel Europa komen bij elkaar rond een thema
- Working Groups: Docenten van vakgebieden wisselen knowhow, informatie, didactiek en wetenschap uit.
- Teacher Training: lessen in pedagogiek & didactiek voor docenten in de osteopathie.
- CEN-Standard: OsEAN controleert door een Audit of een school voldoet aan de internationale CEN-Norm.

Wat is het Students Exchange Programma?
In keeping with the Bologna Accord and its aim to achieve a European Higher Education Area through increased student mobility within Europe, in February 2010 OsEAN has established a Student Exchange Programme between its member Institutes.This enables you to attend institutes in other European countries for a short period to experience the different perspectives offered by each.
Students of the OsEAN schools are allowed to spend up to 7 days at any other part time and/or full time school which is part of the program, attending courses and/or a teaching clinic.
There will be no extra charges for the foreign course but of course, costs for travel and accommodation will apply.
Language skills of the host school’s language is obviously useful, in some cases it might be possible to have another student at the receiving school helping out as a translator, or to attend courses that are delivered in English.
As the curriculums of the European schools still differ widely, it is not possible to obtain any credits for courses attended at the foreign school. The exchange stay is done in addition to the home school’s courses.
Interested students of any of the participating schools can download the documentation from the box on the right and contact their own school to initiate the process. The participating schools as well as the names and e-mails of the coordinators are listed under Schools & Coordinators.
Wat is de Virtual International Student’s Day?
This is a live online event for osteopathic students from all over the world. The participation for students of OsEAN member schools is free.
The idea for the Virtual International Student Day was born during the beginning of the pandemic when humanity faced the troubles of not being able to travel freely but OsEAN students wished to stay internationally connected, to experience a different view on subjects from teachers outside of their school and country, and to exchange with their peers. We were happy to oblidge and organised the event for the first time in March 2021. Both students and teachers had positiv feedback.
Wat is het Open Forum?
During the past decade Osteopathy in Europe has been expanding at an enormous speed. There is a strong trend towards university validated courses, requiring a constant improvement of the quality of Osteopathic Education.
Most schools are striving for growth and improvement on their own and with limited resources whereas cooperation and exchange can help us to learn from each other and take the profession to a new, academic level together. Based on this idea OsEAN has launched the “Open Forum” conferences for osteopathic Education in 2009: in a cooperative atmoshpere schools are sharing new concepts and best practice – rather than reinventing the wheel again and again in each school and each country.